Monday, December 7, 2009

AuthenticLiving Products

Inspirational Interventions: Themes

* Making Better Decisions with a heightened awareness/consciousness.

* Relate deeply and passionately - at work and home.

* Experience meaning - everyday.

* A New Leadership for a time like this.

* Authenticity and an inner connectedness - Be your real self.

* How to develop your potential.


Human Potential: Development Process
*3 Day Leadership Development Process
A Dynamic Interactive process with a focus on the reality and potential of the attendee`s life. The outcome would be to move from a fragmented life to a more holistic life.

*1 Day Leadership development process
The one day focus could be on:
* Personal Leadership
* Interpersonal Leadership
* Professional Leadership

* Challenges and Questions - A New Generation
Times have changed. People have changed, … really?
Explore the challenges, questions and new possibilities with a New Generation.

*Reconciliation Facilitation

Coaching is essentially a conversation within a productive, result-oriented context. Coaching is about learning, observing patterns, setting the stage for new actions and work with the individual. Coaching is more about asking the right questions than providing answers. To establish and clarify purpose and goals and develop an plan of action to achieve these goals. Coaching is about change and transformation – about the human ability to grow, to alter maladaptive behaviours and to generate new, adaptive and successful actions. Coaching is about reinventing oneself – creating new stories, new identities and new futures.

* Life Potential Coaching
Life or potential coaching is a structured process of examining values and setting goals and action plans to help individuals remove blocks and achieve measurable and sustainable benefits in all aspects of their lives.This may lead to a more satisfying, successful and meaningful life.

Life coaching include:
• Partnership coaching
• Retirement coaching
• Singles coaching
• Spiritual development coaching
• Migrant transition coaching
• Fitness coaching
• Wellness coaching
• Career coaching
• Transition coaching
• Quality of life coaching – such as balancing life and work.

* Leadership and Team Coaching
Leaders and managers find that they are so consumed by the day-to-day running of the business that they have no time to look at ‘the big picture’, develop their staff, increase value to customers and, importantly, balance their personal and working lives.

Some areas in which leadership and business coaches work include:
► interpersonal and communication skills
► time management
► balancing work and personal life issues
► staff development and dealing with conflict
► identifying gaps
► strategic thinking and business planning
► increasing productivity
► increasing market share
► customer service development

Team or group coaching is an increasingly popular form of delivery: It is more cost-effective for the client and time-efficient for the coach. Coachees also benefit from the exchange of knowledge and ongoing support and feedback from colleagues. Team coaching often involves team building, developing a newly established team and working with top-performing teams to meet demands for higher productivity.

* Career Coaching
Being stuck in a meaningless job or one for which we are temperamentally ill-suited, can lead to stress, anxiety and general misery. Careers are shorter and more uncertain. In the current workplace, there is more emphasis on job rotation, multiskilling and lateral promotions. Individuals are now responsible for their own careers.

Some situations where career coaching can help you:
► starting a career resonating with who I am
► burnout or general career dissatisfaction
► transition and change due to company restructuring
► executive career development
► making a career change in mid-term
► re-entering the workforce
► preparing for future employment
► impression management – preparing resumes, interview skills
► redesigning your visibility and profile in the current workplace
► getting ahead
► dealing with job loss
► retirement coaching
► coaching your partner

* Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI step 1&2 - tests)
Psychometric tool to explore: Who am I?
Understand myself and others more deeply in order to work collaboratively.